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Stamp Duty on Share Purchase Agreement in Karnataka

Stamp Duty on Share Purchase Agreement in Karnataka: A Comprehensive Guide

Are you planning to buy shares in Karnataka? If so, you must know about the stamp duty on share purchase agreement in Karnataka. A share purchase agreement (SPA) is a legally binding document that outlines the terms and conditions of the purchase of shares in a company. It is a critical document that must be executed correctly to ensure that the transfer of ownership is legal and recognized by the law.

In Karnataka, the stamp duty on SPA is levied by the state government. The stamp duty is a one-time fee that must be paid when the SPA is executed. The amount of stamp duty varies depending on several factors, such as the value of shares being transferred, the location of the parties involved, and the type of company.

Stamp Duty Rates for SPA in Karnataka

The stamp duty rates for SPA in Karnataka are determined by the Karnataka Stamp Act, 1957. The Act specifies that the stamp duty for SPA is charged as a percentage of the value of shares being transferred. The stamp duty rates differ based on whether the shares are being transferred within the state or outside of Karnataka.

If the shares are being transferred within Karnataka, the stamp duty rates are as follows:

– 0.1% of the total value of shares being transferred for companies with a share capital of up to INR 1 crore.

– 0.2% of the total value of shares being transferred for companies with a share capital between INR 1 crore and INR 10 crore.

– 0.25% of the total value of shares being transferred for companies with a share capital above INR 10 crore.

If the shares are being transferred outside of Karnataka, the stamp duty rates are as follows:

– 0.2% of the total value of shares being transferred for companies with a share capital of up to INR 1 crore.

– 0.25% of the total value of shares being transferred for companies with a share capital between INR 1 crore and INR 10 crore.

– 0.3% of the total value of shares being transferred for companies with a share capital above INR 10 crore.

In addition to the above rates, there is an additional flat fee of INR 100 that must be paid for each SPA executed in Karnataka.

Calculation of Stamp Duty

To calculate the stamp duty payable on the SPA, you need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Determine the total value of shares being transferred.

Step 2: Check the share capital of the company.

Step 3: Apply the stamp duty rates based on the share capital and location of transfer.

Step 4: Add the flat fee of INR 100.

For example, if you are transferring shares worth INR 50 lakhs within Karnataka for a company with a share capital of INR 5 crore, the stamp duty payable will be:

0.2% of INR 50 lakhs = INR 10,000

Flat fee = INR 100

Total stamp duty payable = INR 10,100


Stamp duty on share purchase agreement in Karnataka is an essential consideration when transferring shares in a company. It is a one-time fee that must be paid when executing an SPA in Karnataka. The stamp duty rates vary based on the value of shares being transferred, the company`s share capital, and the location of the transfer. Understanding the stamp duty rates and calculations can help you make an informed decision when purchasing shares in Karnataka.